Decapitated Heads as Drums

Head to the Unusual 'Neurosonics Audiomedical Laboratory'

If the idea of decapitated heads as drums and turntables appeals to you, you'll love this video footage of the Neurosonics Audiomedical Laboratory that Chris Cairns created with the Scratch Perverts. Even if the whole macabre thing isn't your bag, you'll still appreciate the solid music and awesome visual effects in the short film.

The Neurosonics Audiomedical Laboratory project is an insane short film that captures the work of the Scratch Perverts through director Chris Cairns' expert vision. Check it out in the video above!
Trend Themes
1. Macabre Sound Experiments - Opportunity for artists and musicians to explore unconventional ways of creating music using unusual instruments and visual effects.
2. Cross-disciplinary Collaborations - Potential for collaborations between artists, filmmakers, and musicians to create visually stunning and sonically unique projects.
3. Exploring Taboo Topics - Opportunity to push boundaries and challenge societal norms by creating art that combines unconventional elements like decapitated heads and music.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists can utilize unconventional mediums and techniques to create visually striking and thought-provoking installations and performances.
2. Music and Entertainment - Musicians and filmmakers can collaborate to create innovative music videos and short films that push creative boundaries and engage audiences in new and unexpected ways.
3. Technology and Visual Effects - Companies and professionals in the technology and visual effects industry can explore the use of cutting-edge technology to bring unconventional artistic visions to life.

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