GPS Life Preservers

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The Network Tube Keeps Shipwreck Survivors Together and Trackable

The Network Tube is the 21st century version of the life preserver. This water ring was designed by Son Kijo, Joon Hyoung Seo, Uhm Hyung Woo, Choi JinYoung and Kim Junpyo to help keep shipwreck survivors together and makes them easier to locate by rescuers.

The Network Tube is equipped with a GPS tracking system. This system makes survivors out in the ocean easier to find. The ocean is a big place, and there is only so much ground airplanes and ships can cover in search of shipwrecked survivors. Giving rescuers a way to track people would greatly increase the odds of finding them. The Network Tube seems like it would be relatively simple to create, with the benefits far outweighing the costs.
Trend Themes
1. Gps-assisted Survival Equipment - Creating new and efficient ways to save lives in open waters with the help of GPS technology.
2. Connected Wearable Technology - Integrating GPS tracking into wearable tech such as safety gear could lead to improved rescue efforts and greater safety measures.
3. Rapid Response Solutions - Developing products and technologies that can help quickly locate and rescue individuals in emergency situations, such as shipwrecks.
Industry Implications
1. Marine Safety/accident Prevention Industry - Companies that specialize in marine safety equipment could leverage GPS technology to develop new and innovative products for rescue operations.
2. Outdoor Recreation/adventure Industry - Brands that cater to outdoor enthusiasts could explore the integration of GPS tracking technology into safety gear for their customers.
3. Emergency Response Technology Industry - Startups and established companies in emergency response could expand their offerings to include innovative GPS tracking solutions for rescue operations.

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