Call Girl Voices to Get Votes

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Controversial Robo-Call for California Candidate

Using Robo-Calls to drum up voter support is at an all-time high this year, with candidates across the board making record numbers of automated calls to American homes before election day. Unfortunately, some political candidates just don’t realize when they’ve crossed the boundaries of plain old common sense and good judgment.

Take the case of California political candidate Zane Starkewolf whose Robo-Call was scripted to sound like a phone sex call that went out to over 100,000 Americans this past Sunday. The language and tone of the call was so over-the-top that voters are outraged with Mr. Starkewolf and his scheming tactics.

Many voters are furious because their children had answered the lascivious calls, and several homes were called repeatedly throughout the day, adding insult to injury. While Mr. Starkewolf has apologized for his campaign behavior, his position is one of not admitting any wrongdoing in the incident and he’s standing firmly behind the message in the statement, even if he’s in hot water for it.

You can listen to the call here
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Robo-calls - Opportunity to develop alternative and more creative Robo-Calls that do not cross the boundaries of good sense and judgment.
2. Child-friendly Campaigning - Opportunity to incorporate child-friendly tactics into political campaigning to avoid inappropriate and harmful messaging.
3. Ethical Campaign Techniques - Increased demand for ethical campaign techniques and guidelines to ensure a positive and responsible image for political candidates.
Industry Implications
1. Political Campaigning - Opportunity to create and implement better political campaigning strategies and employ ethical communication methods that consider audience sensitivity.
2. Marketing - Opportunity for marketers to explore creative and innovative messaging strategies that captivate audiences without crossing the bounds of common sense and good judgment.
3. Technology - Opportunity for tech companies to develop alternative and more responsible Robo-Call solutions that integrate ethical messaging policies and guidelines.

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