Naughty LEGO Photos

LEGO Characters Placed in Compromising Positions

Mt. Dew Monkey created a funny Flickr slideshow. His nude model of choice was none other than a naked LEGO character. Stripped of her plastic clothes, she was placed in a variety of scandalous poses for this hilarious artistic shoot.

This sexy LEGO figurine can be seen in her naughty photo shoot in the gallery above.

Implications - Companies that have a large brand presence can capitalize on the humorous twists that audiences create surrounding their product. With the use of social media, companies such as LEGO can open up competition between audiences to help generate buzz. Additionally, these companies would create a fun and memorable association with their brand, shedding a positive light in consumers' minds.
Trend Themes
1. User-generated Humorous Content - Brands can leverage user-generated humorous content for buzz generation and enhance brand image.
2. Social Media Campaigns - Companies can use social media to create competitions around user-generated humorous content.
3. Branded Fan Art - Companies can collaborate with artists to create branded fan art that generates buzz and goodwill.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - Companies in the toy industry could use humor and fan-generated content to promote their products.
2. Social Media Industry - Social media platforms can be used to promote user-generated humorous content.
3. Art Industry - Artists can collaborate with brands to create fan-generated humorous content.

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