Nature's Cologne

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Male Sweat Makes Women Go Mad

Are you ready for sexy time? Well, before you shower and pour on the cologne, you might want to think twice. According to a recent study the scent of male sweat has been linked to a rise in the female hormone, Cortisol. Women reported an elevated mood, higher sexual arousal and heart rate as well.

Does that mean that showers should be avoided? Absolutely not. But it is an interesting point to note and more studies are being done on the effect of androstadienne (a compound of male sweat) and the effect it has on women's moods and states of arousal.
Trend Themes
1. Male Sweat Arousal - Exploring the potential for male sweat to be used in products and experiences that enhance sexual arousal in women.
2. Chemical Mood Enhancement - Developing products that utilize specific chemical compounds to create desired moods for consumers.
3. Alternative Fragrances - Investigating the use of unique and natural scents to replace artificial fragrances in personal care products.
Industry Implications
1. Fragrance - Innovating within the fragrance industry to create products that incorporate the pheromones found in male sweat.
2. Sex Technology - Exploring the potential for sex technology products that incorporate male sweat pheromones or other chemical compounds for sexual enhancement.
3. Personal Care - Developing natural personal care products that utilize unique and natural scents, rather than artificial fragrances.

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