Minimalist Nativity Sets (UPDATE)

Emilie Voirin Re-imagines the Religious Scene with Wood Blocks

Some people might argue that Jesus was black, others will debate about the color of his hair; Émilie Voirin puts these disagreements and digressions to rest with her Minimal Nativity Set. Forgoing the typical human form for basic wooden blocks, her Minimal Nativity Set will appeal to people for a number of reasons. Not only does it focus on what really matters, its clean aesthetic will find admiration among contemporary peers.

Although the Minimal Nativity Set made headlines last year, Voirin has since launched a Kickstarter campaign that will allow people around the world to enjoy her design. She has even created an exclusive brass version. Voiron writes, "I would like people to see the product as an alternative version of the objectified biblical scene that usually looks very ornamental."
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Nativity Sets - There is an opportunity for designers to create more modern and minimalist interpretations of traditional religious artifacts.
2. Wooden Block Designs - Wooden block designs are a popular and versatile option, with possibilities for use in home decor or as children's toys.
3. Crowdfunding for Religious Products - Crowdfunding allows designers to bring their religious product designs to a wider audience, creating opportunities for unique products to succeed in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Religious Products - Designers and manufacturers of religious products can tap into the growing demand for modern and minimalist interpretations of traditional artifacts.
2. Home Decor - Minimalist wooden block designs can be utilized in the home decor industry to create a modern and simple aesthetic that appeals to contemporary consumers.
3. Toy Manufacturing - Manufacturers of children's toys can explore using wooden blocks as an alternative to plastic toys for more sustainable and eco-friendly options.

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