Feral Frocks and Frills

Nan Goldin Shot Erin Wasson in Fierce Photos for Scanlan and Theodore

Nan Goldin shot Erin Wasson in this fabulous collection of Scanlan and Theodore fashion. Pink feminine hues and form-fitting fabrics make the American model look striking in this Australian label.

Known best for her 1970s and 1980s photography of the New Wave and post-punk music and social scenes, Nan Goldin shot Erin Wasson in a derelict New York mansion setting that suggests the asperity of her earlier work. The success of this photo shoot lies in the contrast established between the soft and womanly fashions and the dilapidated walls and furnishings of the rooms the model occupies.
Trend Themes
1. Feminine Fashion Contrast - The use of contrasting elements in fashion photography can create striking and memorable images.
2. Location-based Fashion Shoots - Fashion brands can leverage unique settings and environments to create distinctive visual content for their products.
3. Collaborative Artistic Projects - Partnering with artists and photographers can bring fresh perspectives and creative energy to fashion brands.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can incorporate bold contrasts and unique locations into their marketing campaigns for a more memorable brand image.
2. Art - Artists and photographers can partner with fashion brands to create unique and memorable visual content that showcases their style and creativity.
3. Interior Design - Fashion shoots and artistic collaborations can create opportunities for interior designers to showcase their work and create compelling visual content for their brand.

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