Personality-Based Job Guides

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This Myers-Briggs Career Chart Offers Employment Suggestions

If you are curious what the best job for you is based on your personality type, this chart has Myers-Briggs career recommendations. From eLearners, the infographic 'Are You On the Right Career Path' requires you to first know your personality type (there are 16 different ones).

There are four categories of personality: the Protectors, the Creators, the Visionaries and the Intellectuals. From there, each type has a name (for example, INFPs are Healers) and a job title listed.

However, the Myers-Briggs career chart doesn't offer a ton of supplementary information on their choices. However, more context is provided in their accompanying blog post.

If you are struggling to figure out what you want to do with your life, this could help give you ideas.
Trend Themes
1. Personality-based Job Recommendations - Opportunity for companies to create personalized job lists based on a candidate's personality type.
2. Increasing Use of Personality Assessments in Hiring - Hiring companies can innovate by incorporating personality assessments in the recruitment process to ensure that prospective candidates align with the requirements of the job position.
3. Personalized Career Planning - An opportunity to offer personalized career guidance to individuals through assessment of their personality type.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - in order to improve existing hiring processes and offer more cohesive job recommendations
2. Education - by instituting personality assessments into career guidance and education system for students
3. Career Counseling - by using personality assessments to offer customized career guidance to job seekers and students alike.

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