Text AI-Generated Music

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MusicLM Can Create Music of Any Genre with a Text Description

Google recently unveiled a research publication on MusicLM, which is a system that can create music of any genre with only a text description. What makes MusicLM special is its vast training database, which consists of over 280,000 hours of music to help with producing music packed with variety and depth.

The artificial intelligence system can also blend genres and instruments together as well as write tracks using abstract ideas that are often hard for computers to understand. The technology can create sound based on humming, whistling, and even a description of a painting. Users can also switch the feature into story mode where they are able to stitch together several descriptions to create a soundtrack of a DJ set.
Trend Themes
1. Text AI-generated Music - AI music creation will continue to improve as more companies invest in the technology.
2. Genre-blending in AI Music Creation - AI-generated music that blends multiple genres will create new and unique soundscapes.
3. Abstract AI Music Composition - AI-generated music based on abstract ideas will open up new opportunities for music production.
Industry Implications
1. Music Production - Music production companies can use MusicLM technology to create affordable music for video games, movies, and other media.
2. Advertising - Advertising agencies can use MusicLM to create custom soundtracks that communicate a brand's message more effectively than pre-existing tracks.
3. Artificial Intelligence - The development of MusicLM highlights the potential for integrating machine learning and natural language processing in other applications and industries.

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