Chain-Cutting Pocket Tools

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The 'EvadeClip' Multi-Use Tool Gets You Out of Sticky Situations

Capable of providing a bevy of uses to users of all kinds, the 'EvadeClip' multi-use tool is intended to do just about any little task you can throw at it. Designed to cut rope or chains, pick locks and much more, the 'EvadeClip' is small enough to be kept in your pocket (or spy kit).

The 'EvadeClip' is the work of the TIHK team who is currently seeking funds on Indiegogo to bring the device to life. Being that modern lifestyles require functional tools in order to get mini tasks done, the 'EvadeClip' multi-use tool is intended to make keeping the right tools on-hand easier.

The small footprint of the 'EvadeClip' allow it to slip neatly into your pocket with all of the features held neatly inside.
Trend Themes
1. Multi-use Tools - The 'EvadeClip' represents a trend of compact and versatile tools that can perform a wide range of tasks, offering convenience and functionality to users.
2. Everyday Carry (EDC) Tools - The rise of pocket-sized tools like the 'EvadeClip' reflects the trend of individuals seeking compact and practical tools that can easily be carried on a daily basis.
3. Crowdfunding for Innovative Tools - The 'EvadeClip' being funded on Indiegogo showcases the trend of entrepreneurs turning to crowdfunding platforms to bring innovative tools to market.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Gear and Camping - The 'EvadeClip' finds application in the outdoor gear and camping industry, providing a compact tool that can come in handy during various activities.
2. Locksmith Tools and Services - The versatile features of the 'EvadeClip', including lock picking, present opportunities for innovation in the locksmith industry.
3. Tool Manufacturing and Distribution - Companies involved in the production and distribution of multi-use tools like the 'EvadeClip' can capitalize on the growing demand for compact and portable tools in various industries.

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