Phallic Mascot Costumes

The Mr. Balls Mascot Both Promotes Smiles and Fights Cancer

Every so often, an awareness campaign is released that shocks the public while making an extremely memorable statement. Mr. Balls, a Brazilian prostate cancer mascot, is one of those shocking socially conscious campaigns.

The Mr. Balls costume is designed to look like a pair of walking genitals, with cartoonish facial features grinning at bystanders who, unsurprisingly, all want a picture with this bold character. Created by the Associação de Assistência às Pessoas com Cancer, a non-profit organization focused on helping cancer patients, Mr. Balls is meant to encourage prostate cancer awareness. Everyone from single women to children to middle-aged men have met and taken a photo with Mr. Balls, faces flushed -- it's not every day you get to meet a larger-than-life and very personal mascot.

Bold cancer campaigns like Mr. Balls are popping up in the media every which way, especially after Angelina Jolie's daring statement about her preventative double mastectomy. It's campaigns like these that are both memorable and humorous, creating a lasting effect on cancer-conscious people around the globe.
Trend Themes
1. Bold Awareness Campaigns - Creative and eye-catching campaigns like Mr. Balls are becoming popular ways to raise awareness about important issues like cancer.
2. Humorous Messaging - Humor is being used as an effective tool in creating memorable messaging for campaigns related to serious topics like cancer.
3. Celebrity Influence - Celebrities sharing personal health experiences are inspiring others to be more aware and proactive about their own health.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit Organizations - Non-profit organizations focused on health issues have an opportunity to create bold and memorable campaigns to raise awareness and support.
2. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can learn from the success of humorous and impactful campaigns like Mr. Balls to create effective messaging for their clients.
3. Healthcare and Medical Services - Healthcare providers and organizations can use these bold campaigns to promote awareness of specific health issues and encourage proactive behavior among patients.

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