Productivity-Tracking Add-Ons

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'mprove' is a Menu Bar Add-On That Encourages Hard Work

No one can be productive all the time, but 'mprove' is a new menu bar add-on for MacOS that encourages users to make the most of their free time when they have it. The add-on tracks productivity in terms of a percentage of time spent, showing users how productive they've been based on how they make use of their free time.

To be sure, no one can be productive all the time. Even if one leaves aside things like a day job, travel time, sleep, and meals, the remaining free time is still tough to maximize completely. mprove lets users set their productivity goals for the day, and they can turn it on and off as they work (or take a break) during their free time.
Trend Themes
1. Productivity-tracking Tools - mprove is just one example of the growing trend of productivity-tracking add-ons.
2. Personal Work Performance Evaluation - These tools encourage less productive individuals and offer a tangible way to evaluate one's input, encouraging self-improvement.
3. Gamification of Workflow - By turning productivity into a game through percentage tracking and goal-setting, these tools can make work seem less tedious.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - This trend is most applicable to the technology industry as it is primarily focused on software and add-ons.
2. Business Management - Companies could use this technology to evaluate employee productivity and optimize workflow.
3. Personal Development - Individuals seeking self-improvement could benefit from using these tools to track their personal productivity and identify areas for improvement.

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