Modernized 80s Movie Illustrations

Tom Ward's Series Imagines Classic Movie Characters in 2016

Nostalgic 80s movie fans will either love or be totally disheartened by these movie illustrations by Tom Ward, a UK-based designer. The series puts a twist on beloved characters from some of the 80s biggest hits and cult classics by reimagining them in very 21st century situations.

Some of the movie illustrations directly reference scenes from the films they parody, such as Elliot carrying E.T. (from the eponymous film) around in a cart on the front of a segway or Marty McFly from 'Back to the Future' tentatively riding a hoverboard while Doc Brown looks on in amazement. Others simply play off the traits of the characters, like He-Man bench-pressing at the gym or Dr. Venkman from 'Ghostbusters' "capturing" Slimer via a selfie.

Tom Ward's movie illustrations show a nostalgia for a bygone era while also subtly teasing some of the tropes of the present day.
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgic Movie Parodies - Opportunity for creating modernized versions of beloved 80s movies to tap into the nostalgia trend and attract a wide audience.
2. Reimagining Classic Characters - Potential to reinvent well-known 80s movie characters in contemporary settings, appealing to both fans of the original films and new audiences.
3. Mixing Past and Present - Opportunity to blend 80s nostalgia with modern culture, creating a unique mashup that resonates with consumers seeking a fresh take on familiar characters.
Industry Implications
1. Illustration and Design - Innovative illustrators and designers can capitalize on the demand for modernized movie illustrations by creating custom artwork and prints.
2. Entertainment and Media - The entertainment industry can explore opportunities to reimagine classic 80s movies and characters through remakes, reboots, or spin-offs to cater to the nostalgia market.
3. Merchandise and Collectibles - There is a potential market for merchandise featuring updated versions of iconic 80s movie characters, such as toys, apparel, and collectible figurines.

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