Jigsawed Wool Rugs

The Motley Collection Uses an Innovative Technique for Its Designs

Rugs aren't always the center of attention when it comes to interior design, but the Motley Collection, while literally trod underfoot, is difficult to ignore. Crafted by product designer Adam Blencowe and graphic designer Marine Duroselle from the Royal College of Art in London, the wool carpet designs form a nebulously chromatic pattern through a unique technique.

To make the felt in the Motley Collection, Blencowe uses a jigsaw that has been refitted with a needle instead of a typical saw blade. The mechanical motion of the saw makes crafting felt far more efficient and precise than when using the standard machines or handcrafting a rug. After Duroselle sets the color combinations of the wool fibers, the team uses the refitted jigsaw to turn it into felt, allowing for unique designs that no other process could replicate.
Trend Themes
1. Innovative Rugs - Using unique techniques like a refitted jigsaw to create felt opens up opportunities for creating one-of-a-kind rug designs.
2. Efficient Felting - The mechanical motion of a jigsaw for felting wool offers a more efficient and precise method compared to traditional machines or handcrafting, presenting possibilities for streamlining the production process.
3. Nebulous Chromatic Patterns - The creation of chromatic patterns in wool carpets through unique techniques provides an opportunity to explore visually compelling designs that capture attention.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Innovative rug designs can attract the attention of interior designers looking for unique and captivating elements to enhance their projects.
2. Textile Manufacturing - Efficient felting techniques using tools like a refitted jigsaw can revolutionize the rug manufacturing process, reducing labor and time required for creating quality products.
3. Art and Design - The creation of nebulously chromatic patterns in wool carpets presents an opportunity for artists and designers to explore new avenues for visually striking and expressive creations.

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