Geeky Stained Glass

The Motherboard Stained-Glass Window is an Eco-Friendly Form of Worship

If you love computers and religion, then there's a good chance that the Motherboard Stained-Glass Window will knock your socks off. These stained-glass windows were made by Dan Beville out of old motherboards, creating some intricate and semi-spiritual designs.

These windows are a reminder that we should always look for alternatives to trashing broken electronics. This is a great example of one of the ways that even motherboards can be reused to keep the world green.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Upcycling - Repurposing electronic waste to create unique, eco-friendly designs.
2. Tech-inspired Artistry - Incorporating technology into traditional art forms to create one-of-a-kind pieces.
3. Sustainable Spirituality - Using environmentally-friendly materials and processes to create religious and spiritual art.
Industry Implications
1. Electronic Waste Recycling - Innovative ways to deal with electronic waste through artistic repurposing.
2. Art and Design - Opportunities for artists and designers to incorporate technology in their creative output.
3. Religious Art and Artifacts - The potential for religious and spiritual institutions to adopt more sustainable practices when creating their art and artifacts.

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