Tattooed Puppets

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Monster & Animal Hands by Hector Serrano Are Temporary Tatts

Spanish designer Héctor Serrano hit on something with his temporary tattoos that make hands look like puppets.

For generations people have used their hands to express themselves--including using hands as puppets. Some people just use their hand, some people use their hands to make a shadow puppet, while other people put a sock puppet over the hand.

Héctor Serrano’s temporary tattoo puppets come in eight patterns which can be applied to the hand using water. They’re a fun way to entertain infants and babies, and the immature at heart.
Trend Themes
1. Temporary Tattoo Puppets - Innovative temporary tattoo designs that enhance self-expression and provide new forms of entertainment opportunities.
2. Water-based Temporary Tattoos - A new form of body art that is easy and safe to apply, providing a unique way for individuals to express themselves creatively.
3. Child-friendly Temporary Tattoos - A fun and safe way for children to enhance their imaginative play and creativity with a range of puppet tattoo designs.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - New designs and applications of temporary tattoos can provide tattoo businesses with additional revenue streams and cater to a wider audience, including children.
2. Toy Industry - Innovative temporary tattoo puppet designs can serve as an inspiration for new toy products and provide a new form of interactive entertainment for children.
3. Arts and Crafts Industry - Temporary tattoo puppet designs can serve as an inspiration for new arts and crafts projects, providing a fun and creative activity for individuals and children alike.

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