Modern Renaissance Campaigns

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Squarespace's Browser History Campaign Reinterprets Classic Paintings

Squarespace's end of year campaign, Browser History, boasts a modern Renaissance theme that features the work of Spanish artist Ignasi Monreal, who is known for putting a contemporary spin on classic painting styles. The campaign for the website building platform spotlights the stories of six Squarespace customers who have made significant changes to their businesses in response to the pandemic.

The modern Renaissance portraits have details like flying chariots, moody skies, winged cherubs and gargoyles holding mobile devices, plus other details that bring elements of the businesses to life. As part of the Browser History campaign, each customer posed for their own modern painting in a series of video calls and virtual portrait sessions. In the paintings, the customers are the heroic focal points.
Trend Themes
1. Modern Renaissance - Opportunity for brands to reinterpret classic styles and art in modern campaigns.
2. Virtual Portrait Sessions - Use of video calls and virtual sessions to create personalized and engaging content.
3. Business Adaptation - Highlighting stories of businesses that have made significant changes in response to the pandemic.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Opportunity for artists and designers to collaborate with brands on modern reinterpretations of classic styles.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity for marketers and advertisers to create engaging campaigns using virtual portrait sessions.
3. E-commerce - Opportunity for e-commerce platforms to showcase how businesses have adapted and thrived during the pandemic.

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