Upscaled Childhood Games

These Modern Cornhole Boards Give the Classic Game an Update

Those who grew up playing cornhole (or bean bag toss as it's more commonly referred) are sure to find these Modern Cornhole Boards a chic update to the traditional equipment, which was usually haphazardly thrown together and boasting a tacky color scheme. Designed by Red, Wood & Blue who are currently funding the Modern Cornhole Boards on Kickstarter, the games take a traditional pastime and give it a much needed overhaul. Aside from being made stateside, the Modern Cornhole Boards were designed in America as well and offer dynamic features like a solid wood construction and tough lacquered laminate to ensure that they'll be able to survive years of play from players of all ages.
Trend Themes
1. Upgraded Game Equipment - Modernizing traditional game equipment provides opportunities to improve user experience and increase market demand.
2. Locally-made Products - Producing game equipment locally can offer quality assurance and customer satisfaction while supporting local businesses.
3. Dynamic Game Features - Introducing new features and materials in classic games can enhance player experience and provide innovation opportunities.
Industry Implications
1. Recreation - Innovative game equipment can attract new customers and improve profitability in the recreational industry.
2. Manufacturing - Designing and producing unique game equipment locally can present manufacturing opportunities and support small businesses.
3. Retail - Adding unique and innovative game equipment to product lines can drive sales and attract new customers in the retail industry.

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