Dollhouse Flat Screens

Crafter Amatheria Designs a 42" Miniature Working TV

No child's dollhouse would be complete without a handmade miniature working TV. Now your "kid's" dolls can enjoy all of the creature comforts of a real American home with this miniature flat screen television that actually plays videos.

Spanish designer Amatheria is the genius behind this miniature flat screen. The miniature working TV doesn't work as a television per se, but it does have enough room for 2GB of memory and a mini-USB port. The sound comes out the front of the TV and Amatheria has even gone so far as to engrave buttons and design a miniature remote. According to the designer this mini TV is meant as a collector's item only, but I think that a seven-year-old girl would appreciate this much more than some miniature collector. Barbie's Dream House is nothing without a working television.
Trend Themes
1. Miniature Technology - The trend of creating miniature technology presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the toy and collectibles industry.
2. Functional Collectibles - The trend of functional collectibles presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the toy and novelty industry.
3. Personalized Children's Toys - The trend of creating personalized children's toys presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the toy and home decor industries.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - The miniature working TV presents new opportunities for toy manufacturers to incorporate functional technology into their products and enhance the play experience of children.
2. Collectibles Industry - The functional miniature TV presents new opportunities for the collectibles industry to create unique, personalized items that collectors can display while also using.
3. Home Decor Industry - The trend of creating personalized children's toys presents opportunities for the home decor industry to create unique, high-end toys that also serve as decor pieces in children's rooms.

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