Miniature Brothels

Leanne Eisen's 'Play' Portrays Prostitutes as Homemakers

Artist Leanne Eisen believes that the games we play as children are rehearsals for the roles we play in life, and she feels that traditional toys for little girls nurture homemaker stereotypes, simulating traditional domestic roles through play.

In these photographs, Eisen explores the possibility of the same staging taking place within the prolific, yet publicly hidden occupation of prostitution.

Projecting representations of the sex industry onto the medium of the conventional child's doll house, Eisen creates scenes in miniature form, creating constructed spaces that can be peered-into and examined.

"As polar opposites, the homemaker and the sex worker are highly constructed and restrictive roles, the most deeply-rooted myths of the feminine," says Eisen.
Trend Themes
1. Reimagined Play - Exploring alternative narratives in children's play through reimagined dollhouses.
2. Subverting Stereotypes - Challenging traditional gender roles and expectations through artistic representations.
3. Hidden Occupations - Shedding light on less visible and stigmatized professions through creative mediums.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Opportunities for artists to challenge societal norms and spark discussions through thought-provoking projects.
2. Toy Manufacturing - Potential for creating alternative toys that promote inclusivity and encourage children's imagination without reinforcing stereotypes.
3. Social Awareness and Advocacy - The use of creative expression to educate and raise awareness about marginalized communities and their experiences.

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