Microwave Poached Eggs

Cat Bowen of Breakfast to Bed Creates a Simple Breakfast Recipe

Poached eggs is easily considered one of the toughest egg dishes to make, yet this Microwave Poached Eggs recipe shows that it can be a lot simpler if approached a different way. Instead of being prepared on the stove, this recipe calls for another appliance, as stated in the title. People might scoff at the idea of using a microwave, but the results are impressively the same.

Conceived by Cat Bowen of Breakfast to Bed, the Microwave Poached Eggs recipe is easy to execute. All a person needs is a small bowl, hot water, salt, cider vinegar and some relatively steady hands. One the egg is carefully cracked into the bowl containing these ingredients, Bowen calls for 2.5 to 3 minutes of nuking until it comes out. Perfectly, it should be stated.
Trend Themes
1. Simplified Cooking Techniques - Using alternative appliances, like microwaves, can simplify traditionally difficult cooking techniques.
2. Convenience Cooking - Recipes that utilize microwaves offer a convenient and quick option for busy individuals.
3. Creative Recipe Adaptations - Adapting traditional recipes to be cooked in a microwave opens up new possibilities for experimentation and innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchen Appliances - Microwave recipes create opportunities for innovation in the kitchen appliance industry.
2. Fast Food - Restaurants and fast food chains can incorporate microwave cooking techniques to create faster, on-the-go meals.
3. Cooking Schools - Cooking schools can offer classes on innovative cooking techniques like microwave poaching to cater to the needs of time-sensitive individuals.

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