Haunting Ice Cream Portraits

Michael Massaia Captures Melting Children's Treats in a Dark Manner

Michael Massaia has turned his lens to a classic children's treat, giving them a haunted twist that is also incredibly artistic. Capturing melting ice cream against a dark backdrop, the swirls of vibrant colors ends up looking like abstract paintings. If it weren't for some tell-tale signs, Michael Massaia's ice cream portraits could easily be mistaken for paintings.

Titled Transmorgify. Michael Massaia's series does allude to a sense of transformation. Beautiful Decay looks even deeper, writing, "Viewed from one perspective, the melting ice cream has the same pastel and neon colors as a sidewalk chalk drawing, smudged by fresh rain. From another perspective, the photos speak of decay and something that can’t be revisited, sweeter maybe in memoriam." However his work is perceived, Michael Massaia moves his audience.
Trend Themes
1. Melting Art - Opportunities for artists and designers to explore the concept of melting as a medium for expression
2. Haunting Photography - New ways for photographers to approach taking pictures of everyday objects in a more eerie and intriguing manner
3. Decay Aesthetics - Exploration of the beauty in decay and impermanence as a design trend that can be applied in various industries
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunities to create visually appealing products that play with the concept of melting and decay
2. Art and Design - Using Michael Massaia's photographs as inspiration, artist and designers can explore new ways of interpreting classic themes and objects
3. Fashion - Fashion designers can integrate the concept of melting and decay in their designs to create unique apparel and accessories

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