Period Pain Policies

This British Company Allows Female Employees to Take Menstrual Leave

Coexist is the first firm in the United Kingdom to offer menstrual leave to female staff members. Based in Bristol, the community interest company has predominantly women workers -- only seven of 24 are men -- and want to "tap into its employees' natural cycle to create a happier and healthier working environment." Nike also established a similar practice in 2007.

Despite crippling cramps and unbelievable pain, many women feel too ashamed to request time off and attempt to continue working. The period policy is supposed to increase productivity and instil a healthier work-life balance. The idea is giving woman time off or menstrual leave will enable them to work more flexibly and efficiently during that time of the month.
Trend Themes
1. Menstrual Leave - Offering menstrual leave to female employees as a way to increase productivity, create a healthier work-life balance, and tap into natural cycles.
2. Workplace Flexibility - Encouraging a more flexible work schedule to work more efficiently during menstrual cycles and create a happier work environment.
3. Addressing Taboos - Taking steps to address the stigma of menstrual cycles and related health issues in the workplace.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - HR departments can lead the way in implementing menstrual leave policies and workplace flexibility options.
2. Healthcare - Doctors and healthcare providers can encourage companies to address menstrual health openly and honestly in the workplace.
3. Feminine Hygiene - Feminine hygiene companies can offer support and education about menstrual health in the workplace, as well as develop products to make menstruation less disruptive to work.

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