Comparative Celebration Infographics

Mashable Compares Memorial Day Celebrations From 30 Years Ago

The inescapable nature of social media means it's likely you are comparing your Memorial Day celebrations to those of your friends right now. Luckily, this infographic from Mashable is here to put your FOMO at ease as it compares what a Memorial Day party looked like in 198 with today's festivities.

The infographic examines areas like music, company, cooking, travel, documenting and discovery. Though technology has evolved over the last three decades, this informs you of what you need for Memorial Day celebrations in 2014. From polaroids to Snapchat, the way we share information has changed significantly. Given that Instagram does not appear on this list, however, it's probably best not to take it too seriously.
Trend Themes
1. Evolution of Technology - Opportunity to develop new technologies and platforms for sharing information.
2. Changing Social Media Landscape - Opportunity to create new social media platforms and apps for sharing experiences.
3. Shift in Celebration Culture - Opportunity to disrupt traditional celebration practices and create innovative ways of celebrating.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Developing new technologies and platforms for social media sharing.
2. Social Media - Creating new social media platforms and apps for sharing experiences.
3. Entertainment - Innovating celebration practices and event planning services.

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