Honest Thanksgiving Carols

Meghan Trainor Sang Thanksgiving Carols on Late Night TV

Meghan Trainor sang Thanksgiving carols during Jimmy Kimmel Live, and the results were hilarious.

I know, I know. You're probably wondering "what's a Thanksgiving carol? I didn't know any existed." The answer is they don't, up until now. Jimmy Kimmel thought there was a problem with the lack of songs celebrating the holiday, so he invited the 20-year-old 'All About That Bass' singer to perform a few soon-to-be classics on his show.

In an infomercial format, Trainor plugs her merry tunes, which include 'My Flight Got Canceled in Denver (I'll Be Sleeping at an Airport Quiznos Tonight),' 'I'm Not Bringing Leftovers on the Plane, Mom,' 'I Would Like to Leave (To Get Drunk With My Friends)' and, of course, the soulful 'Grandma's a Racist (Pass the Yams).'
Trend Themes
1. Thanksgiving Carol Trend - Creating and popularizing catchy Thanksgiving carols to celebrate the holiday season.
2. Bringing Humor to Thanksgiving - Using comedic elements to entertain and bring laughter to Thanksgiving celebrations.
3. Unconventional Holiday Songs - Developing unique and unexpected songs specifically for holidays like Thanksgiving.
Industry Implications
1. Music - Exploring opportunities to create and distribute Thanksgiving carols to a wide audience.
2. Entertainment - Developing comedic content and performances related to Thanksgiving for television shows and online platforms.
3. Holiday Merchandise - Producing and selling merchandise inspired by popular Thanksgiving carols and comedic Thanksgiving themes.

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