Judgemental Book Remixes

The Coveteur Visits the Mean Girls Burn Book & Adds Memorable Quotes

The Mean Girls burn book is one of the most talked about symbols in teen movie history. Mean Girls not only solidified the peak of Lindsay Lohan’s current career, but also brought on some major lols.

The quintessential teen clique film is easy to relate to and has become a cult classic. The cast was perfect, the script was witty and it is hard not to be compelled to bust out quotes on a daily basis. The blog ‘The Coveteur’ has revisited the classic movie and the burn book and come up with a feature on some outtake quotes that should have been added. Hilarious quips include Janis Ian’s "You smell like a baby prostitute" and Regina George’s "Boo, you wh*re."

The additional Mean Girls burn book quotes will resonate with any fan of the film and, if you haven’t seen it "Get in loser, we’re going shopping."
Trend Themes
1. Teen Movie Nostalgia - Opportunity for brands to create nostalgic products or experiences targeting millennials who grew up watching classic teen movies.
2. Cult Classic Merchandise - Potential for a market in unique and creative merchandise inspired by cult classic films like Mean Girls.
3. Quotable Content - Demand for platforms or products that curate and highlight memorable quotes from popular movies or TV shows.
Industry Implications
1. Film Merchandise - Opportunity for companies to develop and sell merchandise related to popular films, such as clothing, accessories, and collectibles.
2. Nostalgic Event Planning - Potential for event planners to organize nostalgia-themed parties or screenings of classic teen movies for millennial audiences.
3. Social Media Content Creation - Demand for content creators who can produce engaging and shareable quote compilations or other media content centered around popular movies.

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