Puzzling Portraits

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Maxim Ksuta Creates a Masterful Collection of Art in Art

Russia-born artist Maxim Ksuta has given life to a collection of portraits called Art in Art. Ksuta used hundreds of smaller images of classic pictures and paintings to create a larger portrait. The faces in the collection were modeled after family and friends of the artist. The artwork manages to personalize all of these classic portraits and create something that is meaningful to the artist alone. These amazingly thoughtful pictures are a great way to memorialize loved ones and classic paintings all in one.

Collage art has never looked better than with Maxim Ksuta's collection of characterizations. Oftentimes, the best art is created when there is a personal connection, and Ksuta's connection to his work is definitely evident in these pieces.
Trend Themes
1. Collage Art - Maxim Ksuta's collection showcases the beauty of collage art in creating a meaningful piece of work.
2. Personalization - The use of family and friends as models brings a personal touch to traditional portraits.
3. Memorialization - Ksuta's collection offers a unique way to memorialize loved ones and classic paintings together.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - Ksuta's art aligns with the fine arts industry and their focus on individuality and creativity.
2. Family Photography - Ksuta's use of family and friends as models can inspire the family photography industry to experiment with new techniques.
3. Design and Décor - The unique and personalized nature of Ksuta's portraits can find a place in the design and décor industry, offering a creative alternative to standard wall art.

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