Abandoned Hospital Photography

Matt Lambros Captures Decaying Health Wards

It's always interesting to see the world through another person's eye, especially when he or she takes you into a world that few see; that is what Matt Lambros does on a daily basis. Fascinated by decay, he has put together an impressive portfolio brimming with abandoned structures. His Hospitals series is especially captivating because of its dilapidated health system connotations.

Hailing from the United States, Matt Lambros has traveled to many cities to document these stunning yet sad hospitals. Like the scene in 'Titanic' in which the ghostly corridors are suddenly flooded with memories of life, these eerie rooms make me wonder about what they once held and the people who once moved through them.

Matt Lambros does a wonderful job capturing the essence of each hospital.
Trend Themes
1. Abandoned Structure Photography - There is a growing interest in capturing decaying structures, presenting new opportunities for photographers to specialize in high-end, high-quality imagery of abandoned places.
2. Urban Exploration Tourism - As more people become interested in abandoned structures, there is potential for companies to create unique and specialized urban exploration tours that take visitors to these hidden and often inaccessible locations.
3. Decay Aesthetic - The popularity of abandoned structure photography is creating a new aesthetic trend in design, fashion, and art, with potential for innovative products that incorporate decayed elements.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Photographers can benefit from specializing in abandoned structure photography, creating a new niche in the industry.
2. Tourism - Urban exploration tours can provide a unique and niche travel experience for adventurous tourists who want to explore abandoned structures.
3. Design - The decay aesthetic trend can inspire new product designs, from fashion to home decor, that incorporate this unique look and feel.

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