LGBT Friendship Sites

This Matchmaking Website Pairs Straight Women with Gay Men

Normally, a matchmaking website pairs romance-seeking individuals so each party can have a chance at true love. However, the forthcoming 'Every Girl Needs a Gay' site is pairing straight women with gay men in hopes that they will form lifelong friendships.

This matchmaking site-to-be is strictly for friendship purposes only with the intent to connect straight women on the hunt for a gay male best friend. This matchmaking initiative was built upon a scientific study done by a researcher and his team at the University of Texas. The study concluded that "straight women and gay men perceive mating advice provided by each other to be more trustworthy than similar advice offered by other individuals."

The Every Girl Needs a Gay matchmaking website is set to debut on January 1st, 2016.
Trend Themes
1. Friendship Matchmaking - Opportunity to disrupt the traditional matchmaking industry by focusing on forming platonic friendships.
2. LGBT Allyship - Opportunity to create platforms and services that foster allyship and support between different communities.
3. Trust in Non-romantic Relationships - Opportunity to explore the dynamics of trust and advice-giving in non-romantic relationships.
Industry Implications
1. Matchmaking - Matchmaking industry can explore expanding their services to include platonic friendships.
2. Social Networking - Social networking platforms can be designed specifically to foster connections between straight women and gay men.
3. Market Research - Market research companies can conduct further studies to explore the dynamics of trust in non-romantic relationships.

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