Animal Skin Accessories

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The Marta Mattsson Rebirth Collection is Both Cute and Disgusting

The Marta Mattsson Rebirth collection is made out of laser-cut animal skin. It is surprisingly beautiful and delicate and offers a unique way to accessorize your outfits.

Recently exhibited at the 2011 Stockholm Furniture Fair 'Greenhouse,' the Marta Mattsson Rebirth collection is specifically made using calfskin, reindeer skin and goatskin. Her work is described as 'KimoKawaii,' which means cute and disgusting in Japanese. They hit the mark with that one.
Trend Themes
1. Laser-cut Accessories - The use of laser-cut technology in creating accessories offers a unique and intricate design aesthetic.
2. Nature-inspired Fashion - The Marta Mattsson Rebirth collection showcases the trend of incorporating natural elements, such as animal skin, into fashion accessories.
3. Contrasting Beauty and Disgust - The combination of cute and disgusting elements in the Marta Mattsson Rebirth collection disrupts traditional notions of beauty and challenges societal norms.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - The Marta Mattsson Rebirth collection highlights the potential for innovation in the fashion accessories industry by exploring unconventional materials and designs.
2. Laser Technology - The utilization of laser-cut technology in the creation of animal skin accessories presents an opportunity for advancement and efficiency in the laser industry.
3. Sustainable Fashion - The use of ethically sourced animal skins in the Marta Mattsson Rebirth collection reflects the growing demand for sustainable and responsibly produced fashion products.

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