Exuberant Sports Shoots

Marcus Eriksson's Photography Captures Athletic Geniuses

Marcus Eriksson is the man. A photographer to sports legends like Michael Jordan, Eriksson is also a graphic designer and art director extraordinaire. Based in Vancouver, Bristish Columbia, this Marcus Eriksson has been at his craft since 1999.

Having recently launched his own studio, Academy, Marcus Eriksson has a career few achieve and many covet. Take a look at his photographic genius in the gallery above, you won’t be disappointed.
Trend Themes
1. Athlete-centric Photography - Opportunity to disrupt sports photography by focusing on the athletes and their unique personas and stories.
2. Multifaceted Creative Industry - Opportunity to create crossover talent between fields such as graphic design, art direction, and photography to provide unique value to clients.
3. Personal Branding for Athletes - Opportunity to help athletes develop their personal brands through high-quality and creative photography and content.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Photography - Opportunity to disrupt the sports photography industry by offering unique, athlete-focused content.
2. Creative Agency - Opportunity to provide high-quality, cross-disciplinary creative services to clients in various industries.
3. Personal Branding Services - Opportunity to help athletes and other public figures develop their personal brands with unique and visually stunning content.

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