Discarded Dummy Photography

'Mannequin Morgue' by Esther Tetris Takes Light Painting to New Levels

We've seen a ton of light painting art lately, but 'Mannequin Morgue' by Esther Tetris puts a new spin on this theme by choosing an unusual setting -- a room filled with discarded fashion mannequins.

Mannequins are eerie enough on their own, but add light painting and psychedelic lighting to the mix and they become almost magical. Check out more shots from 'Mannequin Morgue' by Esther Tetris above, and you'll see what I mean.
Trend Themes
1. Light-painting Art - Expanding the use of unconventional lighting techniques for artistic expression across different themes.
2. Upcycling - Reusing and repurposing discarded materials to create stunning works of art.
3. Environmental Art - Using art to raise awareness about environmental issues by recycling or repurposing materials.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Exploring new and creative ways to reuse discarded fashion mannequins and reduce waste.
2. Art and Photography Industry - Incorporating light-painting and unconventional lighting techniques to create innovative and unique works of art.
3. Environmental Conservation Industry - Partnering with artists and photographers to promote recycling and repurposing as a means to reduce waste and protect the environment.

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