Next Gen Male Sex Toys

Durex Rings and Tenga

Technology helps us in our everyday lives, but what about in our private lives? In general, sex toys are usually associated with usage by women, but that's about to change with the dawn of new male sex toys.

Male toys include things like Durex rings which have been marketed with cheeky YouTube viral video spots with tag lines like, "Bot every women needs a diamond ring." Other toys include high tech love doll look-alikes, and even the technical Tenga new adult concept.

These toys don’t need much of an explanation, but what this does remind me of is a line sung by the infamous Justin Timberlake. "Ayo I am tired of using technology, I need you right in front of me..."

I wonder if he was tired of using the new Tenga…
Trend Themes
1. Next-generation Male Sex Toys - There's a growing demand for male sex toys with innovative features and technology.
2. Marketing Male Sex Toys to the Masses - A shift and acceptance towards marketing sex toys to men and normalizing its usage.
3. Interactive Sex Toys - There's an opportunity to integrate sex toys with virtual reality or other technologies to enhance the user experience.
Industry Implications
1. Adult Entertainment - The adult entertainment industry could capitalize on the demand for next-gen male sex toys by creating innovative products and marketing campaigns.
2. E-commerce - E-commerce platforms could cater to the male sex toys market by providing discreet and convenient purchase options.
3. Technology - Technology companies could potentially partner with sex toy manufacturers to integrate their products with technology, leading to a more immersive and interactive experience.

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