Leafy Vehicle Juicers

Lotus EV Charger Works Double-Duty as a Streetlight

Environmental design meets urban planning in the Lotus EV charger, an innovative solar-powered car charger created by architect Giancarlo Zema from LumineXence. The Lotus EV charger is a 2-in-1 concept -- it is both an electric vehicle charger and an LED streetlight.

The Lotus EV charger features integrated photovoltaic panels to absorb solar energy, a waterproof electrical outlet so it can withstand wet weather and a built-in covered bench, making it perfect for public areas like city parks, where people might want to just kick back and relax. The leaf itself is designed so that it can be made using different earth-friendly paint alternatives. Zema has also designed the charger to be available in a small version for 500 W production and a larger version for 2.8 kW production.
Trend Themes
1. Integrated Solar-powered EV Chargers - The integration of solar power in electronic vehicles provides an opportunity for renewable energy and sustainable transportation.
2. Eco-friendly Urban Street Furniture - Incorporating environmentally sustainable designs in urban street furniture provides a unique opportunity to seamlessly integrate functionality and aesthetics.
3. Hybrid Energy Solutions - Combining multiple functionalities such as EV charging and street lighting into a single unit provides opportunities for energy sharing and conservation.
Industry Implications
1. Renewable Energy - The renewable energy sector can leverage integrated solar EV chargers as a disruptive innovation opportunity.
2. Urban Planning and Design - Urban planners can incorporate eco-friendly urban street furniture designs to reduce environmental impacts and enhance public spaces.
3. Smart Cities - Hybrid energy solutions such as the Lotus EV charger can be utilized in smart city infrastructure development initiatives.

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