Rebranded Icon Infographics

This Chart on Logo Redesign Reviews Shifts Introduced Last Year

If you work in the world of graphic design or advertising, this infographic looking at companies that underwent a significant logo redesign last year will likely pique your interest. From DesignMantic, 10 Famous Logo Shifts of 2014 offers insight into rebranding projects that took place.

The chart not only showcases the logo redesign that took place for that brand, but also includes takeaways. For example, the new logo Airbnb introduced last year teaches brands to make sure their new icons can't be interpreted as lewd or look like abstract body parts. Other rebranding campaigns include Hershey's, Reebok, PayPal, Black and Decker, Pizza Hut, Foursquare, WWE, Netflix and 7 Up.

The infographic offers commentary that is colloquial in nature and often critical of the design work.
Trend Themes
1. Logo Redesign Trends - Companies are continuously rebranding and redesigning logos for a fresh, modern look.
2. Colloquial Infographic Commentary Trend - Infographics are now providing commentary in a more relaxed, conversational tone.
3. Cautious Logo Design Trend - Logo designers are now more cautious with their designs to avoid any controversial interpretations.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design Industry - Graphic designers can use these trends to stay up-to-date with modern logo designs.
2. Advertising Industry - Advertisers can incorporate these trends in campaigns to appeal to consumers' preferences.
3. Marketing Industry - Marketers can use these trends to guide brand positioning strategies and ensure that logos remain current.

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