Androgynous Eldery Photoshoots

72-Year-Old Grandfather Liu Xianping Models Women's Clothing

Most people picture their grandfathers in dapper suits, smoking a pipe and discussing historical literary references; Liu Xianping on the other hand models women's clothing for his granddaughter's website. Liu Xianping is a 72-year-old grandfather who has taken the Internet by storm by simply wearing outrageous women's clothing. The collaboration between Liu Xianping and his granddaughter is an ingenious idea to spice up the online shopping industry.

Modeling the latest fashions, this grandfather is wearing the newest skirts, dresses and jackets marketed towards women of their late teens and early twenties. The eccentric behavior of this elder is taking the Internet by storm, increasing the stores sales five-fold since he started modeling. He has even been compared with Karl Lagerfeld, of all people.
Trend Themes
1. Androgynous Modeling - The trend of using models who blur gender lines can disrupt traditional ideas of fashion and appeal to a wider audience.
2. Generational Collaborations - The trend of older and younger generations working together can bring fresh perspectives and creative ideas to industries, such as fashion.
3. Unconventional Marketing - The trend of utilizing unconventional and attention-grabbing marketing strategies, like showcasing an eccentric elderly model, can generate significant buzz and increase sales.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can tap into the trend of androgynous models to diversify their offerings and cater to a broader customer base.
2. E-commerce - Incorporating generational collaborations in e-commerce platforms can create unique shopping experiences and attract a wider range of customers.
3. Advertising - Unconventional marketing strategies, such as using unconventional models, can disrupt the advertising industry by capturing attention and creating memorable campaigns.

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