Lingerie Football Leagues

Super Bowl Halftime Show Expands to Full Schedule

The best part of the Super Bowl halftime show is now a full Lingerie Football League.

As the popularity of the Lingerie Bowl grew, the plan was put into motion to develop a fully-scheduled Lingerie Football League.

The Lingerie Football League will become a reality beginning in September of 2009.

The 10 teamed league will feature games at least once a week in major stadiums across the U.S (publicity stunt alarm).

As a sports fan, I’m a little skeptical, but as a guy I have to say, "Bring on the Lingerie Football League!"
Trend Themes
1. Lingerie Football - Opportunity to disrupt traditional football leagues and establish a unique sports entertainment industry.
2. Sports Entertainment - Opportunity to create new and innovative sports entertainment experiences beyond traditional games and leagues.
3. Publicity Stunts - Opportunity to leverage creative and attention-grabbing events to generate buzz and attract a wide audience.
Industry Implications
1. Sports - Opportunity to innovate and expand the sports industry by introducing unconventional sports formats and events.
2. Entertainment - Opportunity to disrupt the traditional entertainment industry by offering unique and captivating sports experiences.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity to leverage publicity stunts and unconventional marketing strategies to capture public attention and promote brands or products.

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