Buying Retro Family Portraits

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Life Magazine's 70's Icons

The images of 70’s pop and rock stars, which were originally take by John Olson for Life Magazine, are now available for purchase.

These images are unique in that they portray the stars with parents and grandparents, in their family homes. The views give a tremendous insight into both the decorating styles, not to mention the fabulous fashions, of the area.

I wonder why these styles have yet to make a comeback?

In case you have trouble identifying the participants, they are Eric Clapton with his grandma, Rose, David Crosby with his dad, Flloyd in Ojai, Grace Slick with mom, Virginia in Palo Alto, Ritchie Haver with father, Richard and Mum, Mildred in Brooklyn, Frank Zappa, with parents, Francis and Rosemary in L.A., Elton John with his mum, Sheila and stepfather, Fred Fairebrother, Donovan and the Jackson Five.
Trend Themes
1. Retro Family Portraits - The demand for vintage family portraits and photography shoots that capture a diverse family heritage presents a market niche in portrait photography.
2. Nostalgic Family Photo Merchandise - Businesses can capitalize on the natural inclination for people to connect with the past and promote nostalgia by offering a line of photo-based merchandise.
3. Celebrity Home and Family Magazine Features - Fashion and home magazines can collaborate with celebrities to give readers a glimpse into the family dynamics and decorating trends of Hollywood stars, creating opportunities for advertising, promotion and revenue.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The vintage portrait and family photography market presents opportunities for new product development in addition to assessing pricing, presentation styles and packaging.
2. Merchandising - There is an opportunity for manufacturers to develop merchandise such as wall art, clothing and home decor that features the famous family portraits from the 70's.
3. Publishing - There is an opportunity for publishers to explore the celebrity home and family genre of publications and create articles, features and promotional content around this.

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