Novel Vending Machines

Polk County, Florida Introduces Library Book Vending Machines

Residents of Polk County, Florida now have no excuse not to read now that their local library has set up two library book vending machines. The vending machines are located at the town's outpost tourism center and are designed for residents without access to the local library.

The library book vending machines make checking out modern-day classics like Twilight easy with members needing to only scan their card and choose the books they want. A computer system keeps tracks of the books checked out and users can return the books to any local drop box.
Trend Themes
1. Automated Library Services - The use of vending machines for library services presents an opportunity for libraries to automate book check-out and return services.
2. Contactless Transactions - Library vending machines are an example of contactless transactions, and offer a chance for businesses to serve their customers without physical contact.
3. Vending Machine Innovations - Library vending machines are a new way of using vending machines, and offer an opportunity to innovate and expand the use for these machines.
Industry Implications
1. Library Services - The use of library vending machines can improve library services and access to residents without local libraries.
2. Tourism Industry - Placing vending machines such as these in tourism centers provides an opportunity for tourists to access services and products easily while on vacation.
3. Vending Machine Manufacturing - The increasing use of vending machines to provide services other than snacks and drinks creates an opportunity for manufacturing of specialized vending machines.

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