Titanic TV Screens

The LG Display 84-Inch TV Panel is the World's Largest 3D Screen

The LG Display 84-inch TV was shown at the Society for Information Display expo in Seattle, Washington. The 84-inch UHD (ultra high definition) TV is the world’s largest with 3D panels and a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160. That’s four times the amount of resolution of older HD TV panels (they had 1,920 x 1,080).

It’s my bet that with innovations like the LG Display 84-inch TV screen, movie theaters are on their way to becoming obsolete.
Trend Themes
1. Giant TV Screens - Manufacturers can disrupt the tv industry by creating larger and more high definition screens to eliminate the need for movie theaters.
2. UHD Tvs - The UHD TVs market has huge potential for disruptive innovation given the increasing consumer demand for higher-quality displays.
3. 3D Panels - 3D technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with visual content.
Industry Implications
1. TV Manufacturing - TV manufacturers have the opportunity to drive disruptive innovation by introducing cutting-edge displays that could make movie theaters obsolete.
2. Movie Theater - The movie theater industry is at risk of becoming obsolete if TV manufacturers continue to release larger and more high definition displays like LG's 84-inch TV.
3. UHD Display Manufacturing - UHD display manufacturers have the potential to drive disruptive innovation by incorporating 3D technology into larger and higher-definition displays.

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