Chic Canadian Celebrity Stylists

Leslie Fremar Made Footprints On the American Fashion Scene

Toronto born stylist Leslie Fermar has made footprints where every fashionista hopes to, Vogue. Beginning her journey within her country, Leslie interned for Flare magazine before moving to the Big Apple and landing a dream job with the notorious Vogue magazine.

Leslie Fermar’s time at Vogue opened her eyes to a lot of things going on behind the scenes of the wonderful fashion industry. Drawing inspiration from wherever she pleases, Leslie writes down what inspires her in a notebook before calling designers and asking to borrow their looks for whatever celebrity she is currently styling.

Staying on top of her A game, Fermar likes to look through blogs and magazine to stay within the loop on what’s hot—and what’s not—within the fashion realm.
Trend Themes
1. Fashion Industry Collaboration - Fashion stylists like Leslie Fremar are increasingly collaborating with designers to borrow looks for celebrity styling, creating opportunities for innovative partnerships and mutually beneficial exposure.
2. Fashion Inspiration Notebooking - Stylists, like Leslie Fremar, are keeping track of their inspirations in notebooks, presenting an innovative opportunity for the development of digital tools or platforms that facilitate this process.
3. Fashion Curation Through Blogs and Magazines - Fashion stylists are relying on blogs and magazines as sources of inspiration, paving the way for disruptive innovation in digital fashion curation tools or platforms.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Stylist Partnerships - Collaborative opportunities are arising for fashion stylists to partner with designers for borrowing looks, leading to potential growth in the fashion styling industry.
2. Fashion Tech - There is a room for innovative tech-enabled tools or platforms that digitalize the process of keeping track of fashion inspirations for stylists, creating potential opportunities in the fashion tech industry.
3. Digital Fashion Curation - The rise in the reliance on blogs and magazines as sources of fashion inspiration creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in digital fashion curation, presenting growth potential for the digital content industry.

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