Lesbian Emojis

Kimberly Linn and Katie Streeter Design Emoticons to Support LGBT Community

A series of Lesbian Emojis have been created in support of the LGBT community. Although the project was started for fun on Instagram, it has since launched into a larger series that is now for sale on iTunes. The Lesbian Emojis playfully depict certain stereotypes such as fish tacos, muscle tees and synced up cycles.

A collaborative effort between graphic designer and advertising executive Kimberly Linn and Katie Streeter, the Lesbian Emojis might not necessarily do anything to dispel these stereotypes, but they do bring a stronger sense of inclusion to the world of smartphones and social media. After all, who likes using completely general icons that are supposed to represent feelings, events and experiences? The Lesbian Emojis ensures that the LGBT community feel more represented in these particular realms.
Trend Themes
1. LGBT Representation in Emojis - Creating emojis that specifically represent the LGBT community increases inclusion and representation in digital communication.
2. Stereotype Challenging Emojis - Designing emojis that challenge stereotypes can promote a more inclusive and diverse digital culture.
3. User-created Emoji Content - The popularity of user-created emojis opens up opportunities for individuals and communities to create their own representation in digital communication.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - Creating emojis requires the expertise of graphic designers to design inclusive and representative imagery.
2. Social Media - Incorporating diverse and representative emojis into social media platforms supports inclusivity in digital communication.
3. Mobile Applications - Developing emoji keyboards and applications that feature emojis specific to certain communities allows for more personalized digital expression.

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