Toy Brick Umbrellas

Artist Nathan Sawaya Creates a Fully Functioning LEGO Umbrella

Artist Nathan Sawaya is the man behind this amazing LEGO umbrella. Sawaya's umbrella is currently on exhibit at Think Outside the Brick, currently running at the Columbus Museum of Art. The LEGO umbrella was created specifically for In Pieces, a project the artist worked on with Australian photographer Dean West.

The photo of a man standing in the rain with his toy brick umbrella is one of seven photographs from the series. At first glance it's almost impossible to tell that the umbrella he's holding is made out of LEGO. The artist says this was done on purpose so that the viewer would be forced to "deconstruct each tableau, thereby exposing elements of the scene construction." The photo was shot on-location in Toronto, Canada. For those of you wondering, the umbrella actually works, although it is undoubtedly heavier and probably unable to fold up.
Trend Themes
1. LEGO Art - The use of LEGO in artistic creations offers opportunities for innovative and visually striking artworks.
2. Functional Sculptures - Creating fully functioning objects out of unconventional materials opens up possibilities for disruptive innovations in various industries.
3. Photography Collaboration - Collaborations between artists and photographers can result in captivating and thought-provoking visual narratives.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Incorporating LEGO and other unconventional materials in traditional art forms can create unique and engaging experiences for audiences, disrupting traditional art industries.
2. Product Design - Exploring the use of unconventional materials, like LEGO, in product design can lead to innovative and attention-grabbing functional objects.
3. Photography - Collaborations between artists and photographers can push the boundaries of visual storytelling, presenting disruptive opportunities for the photography industry.

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