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LEGO Star Wars Holiday Greetings Spread Sci-Fi Holiday Cheer

For those who remember the story about the promotional 12-foot LEGO Yoda built in San Francisco, here’s more information on how you can be involved for its cause known as the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Greetings.

The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Greetings is a wonderful campaign that aims to donate toys to needy children in certain communities. The way it works is that people can log on to the company’s Santa Yoda website and choose E-cards to send to loved ones. Each greeting that’s sent will donate one LEGO toy to the Toy for Tots program. There are three different cards to choose from: two will feature Yoda and the last will feature Darth Vader.

The goal is to get up to a million toys, so head on over to the website and send a greeting to spread the holiday joy to loved ones and those in need.
Trend Themes
1. E-card Donations - The rise of e-card donations as a way to fund charitable donations to children in need.
2. Brands and Charitable Causes - More brands partnering with charitable causes and implementing donation campaigns.
3. Online Giving Platforms - Increasing use of online platforms for donation campaigns and easy accessibility.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Toy companies as potential partners for charitable donations and toy drives.
2. Retail and E-commerce - Retail and e-commerce companies partnering with charities to sponsor online fundraiser campaigns.
3. Fundraising Software - Emerging fundraising software technology to increase the ease of managing charitable donation campaigns.

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