Adaptable Lawn Seeds

Gro-Sure's Aqua Gel Lawn Product Flourishes in Problem Areas, Sun and Shade

For an amateur gardener, the constant sodding, watering and mowing that a lawn requires can be quite intimidating, which is exactly why Westland developed its Gro-Sure lawn seeds. Finding that the average homeowner is simply overwhelmed with lawn product choices in-store, Gro-Sure was developed as a multi-purpose seed that provides solutions for the most common problems that come with lawn care.

Developed over a period of 24 months, the lawn seeds are made of a patented aqua gel that is able to soak up 400 times its own weight in water and gradually release it when needed. This is what makes the innovative lawn seed suitable for use in the sun, shade and patchy areas.

The recyclable product packaging doubles as the seed applicator, providing absolutely everything that a novice gardener would need to tend to their lawn.
Trend Themes
1. Multi-purpose Seeds - Develop adaptable seeds that are able to solve common problems in various fields, such as lawn care.
2. Innovative Packaging - Create packaging that provides tools for the product to function, such as Gro-Sure's seed applicator package.
3. Sustainability - Invest in recyclable packaging and eco-friendly product development.
Industry Implications
1. Lawn Care - Develop adaptable products that can solve common lawn problems such as shade, patchy and sunny areas.
2. Home and Garden - Create multi-purpose products that cater to amateur gardeners who are overwhelmed with choices.
3. Eco-friendly Packaging - Invest in creating packaging that is not only functional but also recyclable or biodegradable.

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