Scrolling Marquee Laptops

The 'Waterbook' Laptop Concept Keeps Users Informed When Not in Use

Notebook computers changed the mobile computing game, but the 'Waterbook' laptop concept looks to further push the boundaries to make the technology even more efficient for avid users. Outfitted with a scrolling marquee on the bottom lip, the laptop will keep users informed of incoming notifications and other alerts without the need to actually open the lid. This means you can stay up-to-date on all of your emails, messages and much more without having to constantly open the device or keep it open for fear of missing an essential notification.

The 'Waterbook' laptop concept is the design work of Onurhan Demir and identifies what can be done to keep mobile PCs relevant in the midst of the smartphone-dominated market.
Trend Themes
1. Scrolling Marquee Displays - The use of scrolling marquee displays in laptops creates a new way to keep users informed in a convenient and efficient manner.
2. Enhanced Laptop Notifications - The integration of scrolling marquee displays in laptops enables users to stay up-to-date on notifications without the need to constantly open the device.
3. Efficient Mobile Computing - The 'Waterbook' laptop concept aims to make mobile computing even more efficient and user-friendly by utilizing scrolling marquee displays.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics companies can explore the integration of scrolling marquee displays in laptops to enhance user experience and differentiate their products in the market.
2. Information Technology - The IT industry can leverage the concept of enhanced laptop notifications to develop innovative software and applications that optimize user interaction and productivity.
3. Design and Innovation - Design and innovation firms can explore disruptive opportunities in mobile computing by reimagining laptop designs and incorporating features like scrolling marquee displays.

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