Sparkling Pear Drink Doughnuts

Lambrini & Planet Doughnut Teamed Up to Create a Lambrini Doughnut

Lambrini is one of the most popular perry drinks in the UK and now consumers can enjoy their favorite pear-flavored beverage in the form of a sweet doughnut.

For those who may be unfamiliar, Lambrini is a fruity perry, which is an alcoholic drink made from fermented pears. Recently, Lambrini teamed up with Planet Doughnuts to celebrate National Doughnut Week and mark the launch of Lambrini's Fully Sparkling drink. To promote the new drink, Planet Doughnuts created a Lambrini Doughnut. The fruity doughnuts are made fresh daily, frosted, and then stuffed with a delicious filling before they are dusted with an edible gold shimmer.

Perhaps the best part about the new Lambrini Doughnut is that each one comes with a donation to the Children's Trus, which is a charity supporting children living with brain injuries and neuro-disabilities.
Trend Themes
1. Alcoholic Beverage Collaborations - The collaboration between Lambrini and Planet Doughnuts demonstrates the trend of alcoholic beverage brands partnering with food establishments to create unique products.
2. Fusion Food and Beverage - The creation of the Lambrini Doughnut highlights the trend of combining different food and beverage items to create innovative and exciting flavor experiences.
3. Charitable Marketing Campaigns - The partnership between Lambrini and the Children's Trust showcases the trend of brands incorporating a charitable component into their marketing campaigns to drive social impact.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverage - The alcoholic beverage industry can explore collaborations with food establishments to create unique and attention-grabbing products that appeal to consumers looking for novel experiences.
2. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can capitalize on the fusion trend by experimenting with unconventional flavor combinations and partnering with other industries to create truly unique products.
3. Non-profit/charity - Non-profit organizations and charities can collaborate with brands to create mutually beneficial marketing campaigns that raise awareness and funds for important causes.

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