Crunchy Potato Chip Cookies

This Recipe Offers a Sweet and Salty Take on the Classic Lace Cookie

The 'Bakers Royale' blog recently put together a recipe that offer a sweet and salty take on the classic lace cookie. Lace cookies are delicate biscuits named after the lacy shape they take on when baked. This recipe puts an unexpected twist on the delicate Christmas cookie.

Although lace cookies are fragile and delicate, they are not all that complicated to make. In addition to the traditional lace cookies batter, this recipe also calls for Maple Bacon-flavored kettle chips. The potato chips add a salty element that tones down the overall sweetness of the cookies. The Maple Bacon flavor also adds a touch of smokiness that pairs well with some of the heavier ingredients.

These sweet and salty biscuits are the perfect way to add some variety to a Christmas cookie platter.
Trend Themes
1. Salty-sweet Desserts - Incorporate salty snack foods to balance the sweetness in desserts like cookies and cakes.
2. Unconventional Flavors - Experimenting with unexpected flavors, such as bacon and chips, can create unique and highly sought after products.
3. Snack-food as Ingredient - Savory snacks and chips can add depth of flavor and texture to baked goods and other recipes.
Industry Implications
1. Baked Goods - Bakeries and other baked goods companies can incorporate these trends to attract customers with unique and inventive desserts.
2. Snack Foods - Snack food companies can market their products as not only standalone snacks, but also key ingredients in creative and innovative recipes.
3. Host Gifts - People can create and package unique and unexpected treats to take along as a host gift when attending parties or events.

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