Peculiar Love Letter Installations

La Chaleur de L’amour & la Beaute des Paroles is Romantic

Assistant Professor Jad Melki's La Chaleur de L’amour & la Beaute des Paroles installation celebrates the early love shared between his parents. A faculty member of the American University of Beirut, Melki recreated the affectionate love letters that his mother once sent to his father while in Sierra Leone.

Melki's father was also at the American University of Beirut, separating him from his spouse. It was then that she would write him passionate words, and these words have been replicated here in the form of wire. His father would read them in bed, hence Melki's choice of an exposed mattress. The title is taken from an exact sentence that was written in 1974, adding a sentimental quality to the exhibit.
Trend Themes
1. Love Letter Installations - An emerging trend of using love letters as a form of installation art, creating sentimental and nostalgic experiences.
2. Recreated Memories - The trend of recreating personal memories as artistic installations, capturing the essence of past experiences.
3. Sentimental Exhibition - A trend of creating exhibitions that evoke emotions and sentimental connections through personal narratives and experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Art Installations - The art industry can explore the opportunity of incorporating personal and emotional narratives into installations, creating unique and meaningful experiences for visitors.
2. Cultural Institutions - Cultural institutions can consider incorporating personal stories and memories into their exhibits, allowing visitors to form deeper connections with the art and artifacts on display.
3. Event Design - Event design professionals can explore the use of sentimental installations to create immersive and emotional experiences for guests, leaving a lasting impact.

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