Unsolvable Intricate Mazes

Kya7y's Dad Took Seven Years to Create the Most Challenging Labyrinth

Like crossword puzzles, sudoku and solitaire, some people take solving mazes very seriously and so when Japanese Twitter user Kya7y's dad created what is being touted as an unsolvable maze, it is no surprise that it piqued the interest of more than a few willing to take up the challenge. Incredibly detailed, it took Kya7y's dad seven years to complete it. When gazing at the maze, it looks more like the map to an urban city. According to Device, he hasn't even been able to solve it.

A janitor at a public university in Japan, Kya7y's dad definitely has a serious thing for mazes. Stunningly hand drawn. 50 prints of the unsolvable maze exists and there is a possibility of another design.
Trend Themes
1. Unsolvable Mazes - The trend of creating intricate, unsolvable mazes that are being shared and challenged on social media platforms presents an opportunity for puzzle-making and gaming industries.
2. Extreme Puzzles - The trend of people taking on extreme puzzles as a serious hobby presents opportunities for game makers to create more complex, challenging and immersive puzzle games.
3. Personalized Puzzles - The trend of DIY personalized puzzles offers an opportunity for businesses to create platforms where individuals can create and share their customized puzzles.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Industries in the entertainment sector can leverage the trend of extreme puzzles by creating virtual or real-life challenge events, or by introducing unique puzzle games with advanced features.
2. Education - Educational institutions and e-learning platforms can create puzzles that are designed to enhance cognitive, perceptual and problem-solving skills of students as part of learning and development programs.
3. Art and Crafts - Businesses in the art and crafts industry can capitalize on the trend of personalized puzzles by creating products and platforms for individuals to create and share their puzzle designs or offering custom puzzle-making services.

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